Sviđa mi se ideja o nečemu <između> – između umjetnosti i (…) – možete redefinirati stvari. To je ono što je najzanimljivije.
Vođena poezijom Miroslava Antića, upustila sam se u novu igru, u imitiranje drveća. Ugledana na drveće dok lišćem rezbari prostore izabrala sam goblen kao tehniku. Kroz repeticiju poteza, samo stvaranje pretvara se u vrstu meditacije. Provlačenjem niti stvaraju se apstraktne i jasno definisane površine – poput preplitanja duša. Korištene tekstilne niti su napravljene od odbačene garderobe, sakupljene od prijatelja i lične, što svjesno dovodi do zajedništva. Tekstil je kao naša druga koža, od koje smo postali neodvojivi. Muzika je neizbježna. Ovom prilikom pažljivo biran kompozitor svojim melodijama direktno dodiruje najdublja osjećanja i podsjeća na rađanje, razvoj i rast. Podjednako je romantično-melanholična kao dodir od mene do drveta. Od čovjeka do prirode.
I like to redefine things.. Guided by the poetry of my favorite poet I have indulged myself into a new game – in imitating the trees. Just like trees when carving spaces by their leaves I have chosen a needlepoint as a technique to get to the desired goal. As a manual process, through the repetition of moves, the process of creating turns into a kind of meditation. By weaving the threads, abstract and clearly defined areas are being created – like the interweaving of souls. Just like the growth of the tree. Used textile threads are made of discarded clothes, collected from friends and some are personal, which deliberately leads to communion. I see textile as our second skin, which we have become inseparable from. While I’m thinking about the bond between tree and man, my thoughts are romantic. For this reason, the basis for the needlepoint is lacy, light and transparent. Music has always been present. It is absolutely inevitable. On this occasion carefully chosen composer with his melodies directly touches the heartstrings and he is also reminiscent of the birth, development and growth. Equally romantic and melancholic as a touch from me to the tree. From man to nature. « I pretend that I find it hard to dream beyond white sharpness of the real. »
Izložba nastaje kroz performans – sam proces vezenja praćen muziciranjem italijanskog gitariste.
Pietro Baldoni je, gitarista, kompozitor i dizajner zvuka. Kao poliedrični muzičar on stvara miksajući elekro-akustične zvučne pejzaže, noise i melodične teksture.
The exhibition is born through performance – the process of embroidering needlepoint is followed by music of an Italian guitarist musician Pietro Baldoni. He plays mixing electroacoustics soundscapes, noise and melodic textures
After the opening of the exhibition, in the gallery, embroidery will take place every day. Frame-needlepoint which has began during the performance will go through various transformations by the end of the term set for this exhibition show. Visitors who wish to participate in the creating process will have the chance to weave a few threads on their own into the « working » frame-needlepoint.So do not hesitate to come and place your own detail into the growing tree!
Nakon otvaranja izložbe, svakodnevno u istom prostoru nastavlja se intervencija veženja. Ram-goblen koji je započet tokom performansa doživljava transformacije do kraja termina predviđenog za izlaganje. Posjetioci koji imaju želju da učestvuju u stvaranju imajće priliku da uvežu poneku nit u “radni” ram-goblen.
Te exhibition will take place in Velika galerija SKC-a, in the heart of Belgrade, from 9 to 23 May! The opening performance will be in the evening of 9 May. Looking forward to meet you there!
Da vam zagolicamo maštu evo i jedan kratki kućni video djela u nastajanju.
And just to let your imagination floats here is a short home-made video of work in progres!VID_20170325_132945
Zahvaljujem Marku, Neni, Marini, Kristini, Virdžiniji, Vikalu, Pjetru i Pakitu i svima vama što me podržavate.
Thanx to Marko , Nena, Pietro, Marina, Paquito, Virginie, Nina, Kristina and all of you that support me.
Photos by Paquito !